Igra bacanja prstenova / VINGA Faia ring game

Igra na otvorenom koja jednako dobro funkcionira na plaži kao i u parku, upakirana u platnenu torbu koja olakšava nošenje. Igra se sastoji od bacanja konopa u obliku krugova na štap koji jednostavno pričvrstite u tlo. Različite veličine prstenova daju različite količine bodova. Priložen je potpuni priručnik s uputama. / An outdoor game that works just as well on the beach as it does in the park, packaged in a canvas bag that makes it easy to carry around. The game consists of throwing ropes shaped like circles onto a stick that you simply attach to the ground. The different sizes of the rings give different amounts of points. A full instruction manual is included.

SKUV453001 Kategorije,

Igra na otvorenom koja jednako dobro funkcionira na plaži kao i u parku, upakirana u platnenu torbu koja olakšava nošenje. Igra se sastoji od bacanja konopa u obliku krugova na štap koji jednostavno pričvrstite u tlo. Različite veličine prstenova daju različite količine bodova. Priložen je potpuni priručnik s uputama. / An outdoor game that works just as well on the beach as it does in the park, packaged in a canvas bag that makes it easy to carry around. The game consists of throwing ropes shaped like circles onto a stick that you simply attach to the ground. The different sizes of the rings give different amounts of points. A full instruction manual is included.